Good News | PLD Won 2020 Architecture MasterPrize ™ American Master of Architecture Award
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The Architecture Master Prize (AMP) recently announced the 2020 winners, and PLD won the 2020 AMP Hotel Interior Design Honorable Mention 2020 HONORABLE MENTIONS for Wuhan Marriott Hotel Hankou with Wuhan Marriott Hotel HANKOU.
The Architecture MasterPrize(AMP)has announced the Winner List of 2020 recently. PLD’s design projects Wuhan Marriott Hotel Hankou has been selected by the AMP July as the Honorable Mentions in the Interior Design--Hospitality Category2020Architecture MasterPrize.
Award-winning work - Wuhan Marriott Hotel
About Architecture MasterPrize AMP
Formerly known as the AMP American Architecture Prize, founded by the Farmani Group, the Architecture MasterPrize is one of the most authoritative world-class architectural awards, setting a new benchmark for the global architecture and design industry. AMP celebrates the world's finest and most innovative architecture, interior, and landscape projects, showcasing and promoting outstanding design talent and highlighting the art and science of architecture for enriching our daily lives.
The Architecture MasterPrize (formerly AMP) was assembled by the Farmani Group. It is one of the most renowned architectural prizes in the industry globally and a new benchmark for global architecture and design. AMP celebrates creativity and innovation in the fields of architectural design, landscape architecture, and interior design, exposes great designers and highlights the contribution of architectural art and science to the value of our daily lives.
2020AMP Jury
The jury selected the best award-winning projects from 68 countries around the world, such as experts and scholars from Harvard University, Princeton University, University of London, and other colleges of higher learning, famous architects, industry professionals of the Royal Building Association, authoritative magazines and media.
The winners were selected by a panel consisting of esteemed experts and academics from Harvard University, Princeton University, London University etc, famous architects, and industry experts from Royal Institute of British Architects, respected Medias among the excellent design projects from 68 countries worldwide.
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